Why choose us?


Massive database

Access documents of 400+ million companies to verify their authenticity.


Adhere to local regulations

Comply with regulatory bodies with our up-to-date information.


Enhance accuracy

Validate large amounts of company data with our customised workflow.

How it works?


Step 1

Scan and read the company papers via AI document scanning.


Step 2

Extract corporate data, including company name, date of incorporation, license number and other necessary details.


Step 3

Verify business legitimacy by checking extracted data against 400+ million companies.

Business Verification Features

KYB business verification services


Validate business authenticities using the following information:

  • Company Name
  • Incorporation Date
  • Company Type
  • Registration Number
  • License Number
  • Current Company Status
  • Legal Address
  • Trademark Details
  • Business Networks
  • Branches (if any)
  • Company Owners/Directors
  • UBOs (Ultimate Business Owners)
KYB business verification coverage


  • Our KYB covers companies from 99% of EMEA countries, with data from
    • Government repositories
    • Public data records
  • Our KYB verification includes business authenticity verification for 400+ million companies, in languages including Arabic, English, Afrikaans and many more.
Secure, frictionless, & fully compliant digital onboarding. Integrated seamlessly within your app.

Latest KYB updates

KYB, Product
Sep 05, 2022

What is KYB? Why is it necessary for your business?

Chandrika Mahapatra

KYC Content Specialist uqudo

Knowledge base
Sep 05, 2022

UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner)

Authentication, Product
Sep 13, 2022
5 min read

Why is authentication important for your company?

Chandrika Mahapatra

KYC Content Specialist uqudo

Easily integrate with your tech stack.

Use our simple and secure Web SDK, Mobile SDK, or RESTful API to seamlessly integrate identity capabilities into your operations.

See documentation

An award-winning team

uqudo is proud to be recognised by some of the world’s most distinguished organisations.

  • fintech abu dhabi logo
  • DIFC logo
  • Arab innovation logo
  • EU vs virus logo
  • visa ready logo
  • valuetrack logo
  • hope hackathon logo

We price based on successful onboarding.

Say goodbye to request-based fees, repeat charges, and spiralling customer acquisition costs.


What is KYB?

Know Your Business (KYB) refers to the controls that a company must implement to ensure its clients are not engaged in criminal activity. It is the process of due diligence that should be undertaken before dealing with any organisation.

What is the difference between KYC and KYB?

KYC (Know Your Customer) refers to verifying the identity of an individual, whereas KYB (Know Your Business) analyses and verifies the identity of companies.

Why is KYB necessary?

KYB helps companies obtain essential information about their potential clients, in order to protect their interests while dealing with other businesses. It also ensures that organisations are not indirectly associated with fraudulent activities.

The main advantages of a comprehensive KYB Screening procedure are:

  1. Helps evaluate the business authenticities of companies, and identify changes in transactional behavior, which sometimes indicate fraud.
  2. Identifies the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) and evaluates their risk profiles.
  3. Screening key stakeholders prevents the occurrence of financial fraud and makes companies trustworthy.

Who are UBOs?

A UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) is the ultimate business owner of an organisation. A UBO can be classified as someone 

  • who owns more than 25% of the company’s shares.
  • who controls more than 25% of the voting rights.
  • who is a beneficiary of at least 25% of the organisation’s capital.
  • who is a shareholder, including those with bearer shares that can be transferred anonymously.

Can uqudo verify KYB documents in languages other than English?

Yes, uqudo’s KYB coverage includes more than 98 languages, including Arabic, English, Afrikaans and many more.